(630) 258-8976

Russ Pratali - President

Make the most
of your giving

Don't Discard Good Food, Help the Hungry

So much Waste

Industry experts estimated supermarkets on average discard $2,300 per store worth of out-of-date food every day. Almost all of this food is still consumable but may have a limited shelf life left. In most states, it is not illegal to sell product after the sell by date, but stores don’t do so out of concern that their image of carrying fresh products will be damaged. Most stores, in fact, pull items 2 to 3 days before the sell-by date.

Helping the homeless

In 2018, 37.2 million people lived in food-insecure households. They constituted 11.5 percent of the U.S. civilian non institutionalized population and included 26.1 million adults and 11.2 million children. Food pantries and emergency kitchens are the main direct providers of emergency food assistance. These agencies are locally based and rely heavily on volunteers and organizations like River of Light in filling the need in the fight against hunger.

Your Donations at Work

Since we are not part of any national organization, we rely on donations from people like you to provide programs and services like ours to the community.

River of Light is fully operational during the COVID-19 pandemic.
With food insecurity on the rise, we continue to respond to those in need taking all precautions necessary for safe food delivery.

Please help us meet this challenge by making a donation today.

Speaking from the Heart

River of Light LTD. is a non-profit organization dedicated to picking-up and delivering donated items to needy individuals and various organizations.  The majority of these items consist of various food stuffs, breads and pastry products, together with clothing and household items.